
A late night show that seeks to answer questions about God and life through interviews with real people who have incredible life stories to share.

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Can Archaeology Confirm the Bible?

Did the places and people mentioned in the Bible really exist? Veteran Biblical archaeologist Dr. Michael Hasel shares his groundbreaking discoveries including the earliest written sentence in human history and evidences of King David.

Are We Alone in the Universe?

What secrets do the stars hold? Astronomer, NASA-telescope designer and binocular telescope inventor Jim Burr shares stunning images and mind-blowing information regarding the heavens.

Do All Paths Lead to God?

How does Jesus compare with other gods? Puia Fanai and Dr. Subodh Pandit, who grew up surrounded by various faiths, speak about their experiences and research on what makes Christianity different from other religions.

Why Is Community Important?

Is community still needed in our increasingly individualistic society? Former US army special operations team leader Jason Dietz and Lauri Nichols, a teacher who went through a difficult time with her mom's end of life, share the importance of someone having your back.

How Can a Story Impact the World?

Why make a movie about a group of counter-cultural Christians in the 1800s? 'The Hopeful' Executive Producer Kevin Christenson and associate director of the Ellen White Estate Dwain Esmond discuss the worldwide ramifications of this story.

Is the Life of a Human Worth the Life of God?

Why did Jesus have to die? Ricky Schwarz, a former stuntman and Cirque du Soleil acrobat, alongside Edwin Vargas, who once lived a life entrenched in the streets, and his wife Lisanette, talk about how their lives were transformed when they realized the truth behind the cross.

Why Serve?

In this powerful episode on service, we hear from Grace Lee who tells of her experience serving in a leper colony in China, and Andrew Hosford, a medical missionary pilot serving in the jungles of the Philippines who lost his fellow missionary fiancé in a downed helicopter.

Once Saved, Always Saved?

Can anyone have the assurance of salvation? DW West and Walter Cardenas relate their stories of the different paths they took to run away from God, and how God brought them back.

What Is the Best Diet?

Many of the leading causes of death are largely preventable through lifestyle choices. Health lecturer Rico Hill and clinical research director and nutritionist Dr. Hana Kahleova provide suprising dietary insights from both the Bible and the latest research.

Are We Responsible for Protecting the Earth?

What is our responsibility when it comes to the environment? Neurobiologist and naturalist Dr. Gordon Atkins, and professor Dr. Rahel Wells give us their take along, with some easy ways we can start caring for our home planet.

How Are Islam and Christianity Similar or Different?

Two brothers who were born into a Muslim Shiite household in Iran share their story of how God led them through a series of dreams and other miracles to become pastors today, and how the two faiths compare, including when it comes to atonement for sin and relating to God.

Does Prayer Work?

Does prayer make a difference? What can I do to make my prayers more effective? Sought-after speaker and author Pastor Pavel Goia relates the incredible answers to prayer he is seen in his own life and gives insights on how to improve our prayer life.

About the show

Is God even real? If He is, what kind of God is He? And how is that relevant to my life today? Hope@Night is a late-night show that seeks to answer these questions through interviews with real people who have incredible life stories to share, while our live in-studio audience will get a chance to pose their own questions to the guests on air.

Hosted by popular speaker and author Anil Kanda, this series promises to keep you on your toes, warm your heart, and blow your mind.

Anil Kanda

Anil Kanda

Anil Kanda
Faith, People
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